Wednesday, November 18, 2015

Backyard Bible Club

Wednesday afternoon, our church hosts Backyard Bible Club after school. The boys get picked up from school and ride the church bus to Bible Club.  P was home from school with strep throat this particular Wednesday, but you can see in the photos that C and his friends had a blast!

think pink

C takes a break from his calendar math on dress down pink day {to raise funds for breast cancer research} to smile for the camera!

Monday, November 16, 2015

ASU cheer clinic

The first Saturday in October, C had a chance to go to App State for a cheerleading clinic.  The ASU cheerleaders patiently worked with all of the kids enrolled in the clinic, teaching them techniques and a routine to perform during the pregame festivities.

Yosef came during the lunch break and met with the future cheerleaders and their families.

The only downside to the day was the rainy weather.  Even that didn't deter C!

P was disappointed that we couldn't stay for much of the game due to the rain, but App did pull off a win.  Hopefully next year's clinic will be accompanied by beautiful weather!

Sunday, November 15, 2015

ordinary days

C had a chance to bring the "Birdie Bag" full of fun games and books home from school one weekend in October.  His favorite bandito, Skippyjon Jones, was the star of the books in the bag.  Skippito Friskito tagged along on the boys' adventures all weekend!

international FaceTime

The time difference often poses a challenge, but one Sunday afternoon/Scottish evening in September, we were able to connect with Pastor Sarah's family so that P and Kieran could FaceTime.  The wonders of modern technology, put to good use!

Saturday, November 14, 2015

Historic Morganton Festival

This year Daddy A took the boys over to the festival directly from school Friday afternoon.  I met them over there as soon as I was finished with the school day, and he headed home to rest.  P was our daredevil this year!  {C did ride some - slightly, but not much tamer - rides as well.}

After an afternoon full of fun, we headed home.  P's friend Noah slept over, and then those two went to the Sunrise Run on Saturday morning.  C and I went back to the festival for his cheer exhibition.  After busy, albeit fun, weekends like this one, I am ready for a day of Sabbath rest!

ordinary days

A trip to Target

and some work on an ornithopter {Poppa Fred bought P a kit}...

...just another day in paradise!

Friday, November 13, 2015

first day of school

I'm behind, as usual - since we have completed the first quarter of the school year, it's about time for the first day of school pictures, right?

Both boys donned their new tennis shoes, smiles, and silly faces for our early morning photo session.

We stopped in C's classroom for pictures with each of his teachers.  I worked with Mrs. Norman in her classroom last year, so I know a lot about what his year will look like.

Mrs. Mooney worked in second and third grade last year, and P was disappointed she was moving down to first grade.  He told C that first grade was very lucky to get Mrs. Mooney.

C took a photo with one of his good friends {who is also his teacher's daughter} before school.  That tells you something about my younger son's personality.  :)

We headed down the hall to P's classroom and I convinced him to take a picture with his teacher, Mr. Aaron.  They are having a lot of fun learning in third grade this year!

It was still dark when we left for school {I told you it was an early morning photo shoot!}, so I had to snap my front porch photo after school.  I didn't even let the boys go in the house first, because I was afraid I wouldn't get them to pose for a picture for the rest of the day.

Apparently those fears were founded, because C entered the house, climbed the steps, and announced that first grade had WORN HIM OUT.

We were all looking forward to the school year, and I will say two and a half months in that it is going beautifully!

Thursday, November 12, 2015

P's first black belt midterm

Now that P is a black belt candidate, he needs to complete two midterms, a fitness test, and a written test before testing for his black belt.  He completed the fitness test shortly after earning BBC rank, and completed his first midterm at the end of August.  I am so proud of the hard work he is putting in to TKD!

Wednesday, November 11, 2015


The kids weren't back at school yet, but I was already hard at work setting up my classroom and attending orientation meetings when my birthday rolled around in August.  When I arrived home, the boys had made and decorated a cake for me {with a little help from Grandma Hen}.

They were so excited about giving me my presents!  It was a low key evening home with family, and a great way to celebrate.

P takes Camp Hanover by storm

Daddy A and I were so excited when it worked out for P to attend Camp Hanover for a week this summer.  {Thank you for the opportunity, Grandma Hen and Granddad Rooster!}  P loves the chance to spread his wings and increase his independence, and since Daddy A and I met working at Camp Hanover, it is a place that is near and dear to our hearts.

We purchased a relatively inexpensive digital camera for P to take to camp, and he provided some commentary on some of his favorite shots.

First P took a selfie.  "It's just what you do, mom."

"I took a picture of the sign for the bathhouse, because I just felt like it.  All of the signs around camp were wood carved like this one, which is very cool."

The second day of P's week at camp, one of our friends who was the Pastor-In-Residence for the session found P.  She asked him, "Is Adam your dad?"  P replied, "Yes, and Erin is my mom!"  I love that he didn't leave me out.  :)

"This is the day we started making candles at arts and crafts.  We dug holes in the ground and then poured in the wax."

"Most of the food was okay, and some was really good.  This is the night we had watermelon at dinner.  I took a picture so you would know that I ate the whole piece of fruit on my plate."

P was a part of the "Mysterious Wingerious" group that spent a week trying to solve a mystery.  The group picture was taken the day they found the "Key to Fun" {also pictured}.

Austin and Emma were P's awesome counselors!  I had Poppa Fred take a picture of P with both of them on the last day of P's camp session.

P had a blast, and he is already planning camp for next year. He says he might even want to stay for two weeks!