We headed to the Red, White, and Bluegrass Festival in town for much of the weekend. One of our favorite places, Bouncin' Kids, had set up four inflatables and P had a blast jumping around and going through the "popsicle (obstacle) course". C was content to climb up the steps and slide down the ramp that was the entrance to one of the structures.
He spent lots of time just hanging out and watching his "bubba," wondering why on earth P would want to "Dump!" over and over in the heat.
Both boys enjoyed cotton candy and snow cones, too. At the start of the fireworks the boys were a bit scared, but within seconds were enjoying the show. P used his "glow gummy" (a glow necklace) to "shoot" the fireworks into the sky and gave a running commentary on the show. ("There's a green one. This one's purple.") After each firework, he would say, "Wow!"
I was surprised that P's second favorite thing to do at the festival was visit the "train." Great Smoky Mountain Railroad had a booth with brochures and pictures set up, and P would visit every half hour or so to "look at the train." I know the boy loves trains, but this beat out festival snacks! He's still carrying around an informational booklet and reading his "train book" during all of his down time.
We were all pretty tired by the time we drove home. (P switched to his "Tweetsie train Book" on the way, just for variety in reading material, I guess.)
The boys didn't get into bed until after 11:00pm! Thankfully, they both slept in. P has trouble with that, but he did manage to sleep until almost 8:00am (which is very late for him), and C slept until 9:45am!!!
We hope everyone had a happy 4th of July!
That picture of C is precious. Sounds like a fun day!