As you've probably gathered if you've been reading lately, we've kept pretty busy this summer.
The boys had their first swimming lesson last night, and they did well and had a great time. Daddy A headed to Indiana for Presbyterian Youth Triennium yesterday afternoon, so our friend helped me out with lessons. She's helping out again tonight, and I really appreciate it. Tonight is lesson number two, and then tomorrow after storytime at the library P, C, and I will head to Grandmere's house in West Virginia for the rest of the week. We're all excited about seeing our relatives and visiting with friends.
Next week we'll continue swimming lessons, with Daddy A helping us out. He'll be in town for all of next week, before heading to Montreat for the first week of August.
I'm (still) working on finishing up C's stocking. I've done the basics, and have moved on to the backstitching. When I finish up the detail work, I'll just sew it together, which shouldn't take long at all. If all goes as planned, it'll be ready this Christmas. (Yes, this is how far ahead I have to plan these days if I want to make sure things get finished!) I did finish the basket I was working on for P's tricycle, and I'm knitting a pair of wool soakers for the boys now as well. In an ideal situation, I'll finish the second piece before I leave West Virginia so I can get some advice on putting the pieces together from the expert knitters there.
In light of our upcoming trip, blog updates will be few and far between for the next week or so, but I'll be back!
Shew! You make me tired with all your traveling! I have three blankets that have been "in the process" since January!! Be safe!