Dear P,
I can't believe you are FOUR YEARS OLD! You are growing into quite a boy (you're a big boy now, as you often remind me), and it is such a privilege for me to watch you grow! You are growing so independent, and you are very helpful. I'm proud of the way you always lend a hand!
Each day I am amazed at your empathy. Last week you offered to move your school birthday celebration so that everyone in your class could be there for cupcakes, and Friday you spontaneously offered to loan some of your "crazy clothes" to Riley when he forgot to dress up. You are so careful to make sure to include others, because, as you say, "I don't want anyone to be sad".
Staying home with you and your brother is such a gift for me - playing trains and cars with you, reading, playing on the swingset or at the park, and doing art projects with you are my favorite ways to pass the day.
Even as you are "turnin' into a grown up", I cherish the "little boy" things you still enjoy. When you ask me to carry you downstairs first thing in the morning, I enjoy the feeling of you in my arms, your toddler breaths on my cheek, and your soft, sweet smelling hair. You will always be my baby, even though you are not a baby anymore.
I love you, P!
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