Well. This week has really gotten away from me. This year all of our company was leaving shortly after Christmas, and we weren't heading on any trips, and I had declared this The Year of the Organized Home. I was calling it TYOTOH for short. Except I really wasn't calling it either of those things, but that is what I was planning. And I'm sure you've all heard, "If you want to make God laugh, tell him your plans". Thursday morning C went to the doctor, where we discovered that he'd earned himself a week on his nebulizer. By Friday night my throat was sore, and Monday morning I went to the doctor, where I discovered that I had strep throat and a sinus infection. I don't know if I haven't had more than one sickness hit me at once in a while or if it was some aging, but that really kicked my tail. All of that was a lot of words to say that I didn't really do any cleaning or organizing at the end of 2013.
Last night Daddy A and I ventured out to a party at the house of some food friends, and we had a great time, although I was a hair tired today {but not too tired to hit the gym in a resolution-ary kind of way}.
So, maybe this week will begin TYOTOH, or maybe it won't. Either way, I'm heading full speed into 2014 with more blessings than I can count, even if I spend all year trying. God is good!
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