Friday, April 17, 2015

piano competition

P's piano teacher holds competitions for her students every semester. The more they practice, the higher up the ladder students move. The prizes are amazing experiences, so it is a powerful motivator. P is also just a teensy bit competitive {I don't know where he gets it}, so he practices to win. I snapped a photo of the competition board at his lesson one day, and I thought it was a great reminder of something he's really into right now.

Thursday, April 16, 2015

book character day

On Halloween, our school holds Book Character Day.  Each class lines up and heads to the Multipurpose Room, where students come forward with their class and take a turn at the microphone, introducing themselves and their book character while holding a copy of the book about their character.

C went as Olaf, and he asked me to take a picture of him with his friend, who came dressed as Elsa.  C even volunteered to loan her one of his Frozen books - unprompted - from home the day before the parade so she would have a book to carry {a requirement to participate}.  Then he came home and got out the newest Frozen book he owned and put it in his backpack right after school that day.  I was so proud of him!

His kindergarten class was so excited when they lined up to go down for the character parade!

C's sweet teacher stood at the mic to encourage her students.  C wasn't nervous about being in front of a microphone at all, of course!

P came with a heavy volume of Harry Potter and a magic wand in tow.

His best friend N was Ronald Weasley.  {P suggested he be Draco Malfoy because he "has the perfect hair for it", but N was quick to explain that he "could be Ron, but NEVER Draco!"  Spoken like a true Gryffindor.}

It's a cute tradition, and I'm glad I got to watch the boys participate!

Wednesday, April 15, 2015

more {outdated} fall fun

These pictures are from our church fall festival. I realize that since they are six months old they may not even appeal to anyone outside of our family, but now they are documented here {for posterity, I guess}.

Monday, April 13, 2015

Career Day

One of the "dress down" days for Spirit Week at school in October was Career Day. This year, P chose to dress as an animator {he came up with his outfit completely on his own}, and C decided that he wants to be a pastor "like my daddy". I didn't take pictures for every day of Spirit Week, but I couldn't resist getting one on Career Day.  I love seeing the boys explore different options, and I wonder what other careers they might consider over the years... but I'm glad for now that they are still students!

Saturday, April 11, 2015

TKD Fall Festival

Just popping in quickly to share a few photos of Harry Potter and Olaf the snowman at another fall festival. This one was at their Tae Kwon Do school, and it did not disappoint!

When your kindergartener gets excited about reading and writing... never know what he's going to label.

{And yes, he did expect me to use the master bathroom or the downstairs bathroom, because I am a woman, and I can't go into the men's room... even if it is the upstairs hall bathroom in my house.}

Friday, April 10, 2015

Fall Festival

Each year, our school has a fall festival on the square in town.  Each grade sets up a booth.  There are crafts, snacks, and games.  While I was working my booth, the boys were off having all manner of seasonal fun.  Look at the smiles on their faces!

C's class planted trees!

Thursday, April 9, 2015

Bo's night

In short, laser tag at an event that supports your school is going to be a winner in the eyes of elementary and middle school students.  The boys had a blast staying up late, spending time with friends, and playing video games and laser tag... all in effort to show their school pride, OF COURSE.  :)

ordinary days

One weekend in October, we had some errands we needed to run in Hickory.  While we were in Target, I bought each of the boys a new book.  When we arrived at the mall for our next stop, P asked to bring his book inside.  I agreed, and while C and I were shopping, P found a place to sit with his book and read.  This picture {and the whole scenario} just cracked me up, because I would have done exactly the same thing when I was seven!  I think he was about halfway through the book by the time we arrived home.

Wednesday, April 8, 2015

TKD testing

If you're curious about how Tae Kwon Do testing works at our martial arts school, feel free to flip back through some of my old posts.  For my regular readers, I know this is not your first rodeo.  I know these are outdated now, but I did want to post some pictures of the boys' testing last September.  C walked away with a new camo belt, and P achieved the rank of advanced brown belt.  I was very proud of their hard work!

back to school cookout

If you've read this blog for any length of time, then I'm sure it will come as no surprise at all that C quickly made lots of friends in kindergarten.  During our school's back to school cookout, he stopped to take a picture with one of his best friends.

P joined a group of his friends quickly as well.  Daddy A and I were able to spend most of the evening visiting with other parents and watching P and C run off some energy at the end of a week of school.  We all enjoyed ourselves!

Tuesday, April 7, 2015

morning work

One of the things I truly enjoy about our boys is their creativity. When C's morning work came home in his folder one September day, I couldn't resist taking a picture.  After he had completed the kindergarten assignment, he decided to add Ariel and Sebastian to the picture on his worksheet.  :)  What a personal touch!

Monday, April 6, 2015

school lunch surprise

Daddy A popped in to surprise the boys at lunchtime one day. C eats lunch first, and then P, so Daddy A got to eat with each of them, and each boy got to choose a friend to sit with them. Sometimes small things make a large impact!

P's field trip to Grandfather Mountain

Since I am working full time again this year, I can't attend most of the boys' field trips.  P's first field trip this year was to Grandfather Mountain.  I just knew he and his classmates would have lots of fun... and, of course, I was right!

Luckily, Daddy A was able to go on this field trip.  I have him to thank for the pictures.

Everyone attended the workshop and spent some time observing the animals.  P and his friend N also made some time for hiking...

...and climbing.  :)

P crossed the mile high bridge.

Daddy A even got a picture of P and N with their teacher. She's just adorable, and she's so sweet!

This trip definitely earned a thumbs up from my crowd!