Wednesday, July 16, 2014

Cool Kids Club

We're very fortunate that our local library has some great activities throughout the year. This summer it worked out for the boys to attend the K - 2nd grade summer club together. The summer reading program's overall theme, "Fizz Boom Read", has a science connection, so P is especially into it.

The first meeting started with story time. This week's selection was The Science Project that ate the School.

Then the entire group headed outside to see some demonstrations. We watched an alka-seltzer rocket and some mento-induced soda geysers.

Once the kids came back inside, they had some hands-on experiments to complete. They got to "hatch" dinosaur eggs,

make "elephant toothpaste",

design their own hovercraft,

and make safety goggles and costumes inspired by famous scientists. P ran into a friend from his class in school.

Both of the boys had a blast, and they learned a lot of new things, too! I guess it's my Montessori roots, but I love the chance to do hands-on activities with my boys. I do think kids learn best by doing.

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