Saturday, March 2, 2013

Happy sixth birthday, P!

P, I can't believe you are six years old!  With each birthday, I exclaim, "{Insert new age of son here} seems so old!"  And this year, I say, "I can't believe you are six!  Six seems so old!"  Six means that kindergarten is almost over, and is my yearly reminder that you are not a baby anymore.  You are still my baby, just as you will always be my baby, and C will always be my baby, but you are no longer the tiny little one I brought home from the hospital who fit into my arms with ease.

You still climb into my lap to read and cuddle sometimes, and I cherish those times more than ever as they grow less frequent.  Now when you climb into my lap your feet hang down almost to the floor, but I love it just as much as I always have!

I'm so glad I have the pleasure of watching you grow up, P.  You are becoming a focused and determined young man.  For a six year old, you employ advanced logic to so many situations.  You can make a case for almost anything.  Just Thursday night, your teachers told me you will make a great lawyer if that's the career path you choose!  :)

This year your relationship with God has continued to blossom.  You share some amazing prayers, especially at the dinner table and at bedtime.  You are unashamed to pray in front of others - in fact, you love to sign up to pray at church dinners on Wednesday night, even though most of the other volunteers are adults.  You often choose to read your Brick Bible for fun, and you love to discuss our morning devotion in the car on the way to school.

Your selflessness is such a gift.  You often say that your favorite thing to do is make people happy.  You look out for your brother, and you willingly share your belongings with others - friends, family, and even people you don't know well.

You are becoming a great reader!  We just started reading the Frog and Toad books, and you enjoy being read to and reading to me.  You laughed and laughed as we read "The List" the first time, and I am so glad to see you reading for fun - I hope you love reading as much as I do!

At the moment, you love "tiny Legos", especially Ninjago and Chima sets.  You are finishing up a season of competitive cheerleading, and when that's complete you are already geared up to give Tae Kwon Do a try.  I think you were hooked from your first board break at Parents' Night Out!

I'm so proud of who you're becoming, and I can't wait to see you continue to grow into the man God wants you to be!  Daddy, C, and I love you so much, P!

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