I wanted to share a few of the pictures.
Tiffany opening gifts...

...and posing with her ribbon bouquet.

Before we know it, Tiff and John's big day will be here. We're very excited for them!
Before we know it, Tiff and John's big day will be here. We're very excited for them!
I love it because it shows what a daredevil C is becoming... a careful daredevil, I guess, since he is wearing a helmet. It really captures his bravery. Take a bike built for an older, and therefore taller, child for a spin around a yard full of people after dark? Sure, why not? (I feel obligated to note, though, that C never got past the helmet-trying-on stage. His bed was calling.)
I love savoring these types of moments. I'm so glad that my boys are young enough to still think a party with Mom and Dad is tons of fun!
When P finished school, the four of us headed to Dollywood for a vacation. Daddy A arranged everything for us, and it was great! We had four days away from home to spend some time as a family.
When we arrived Tuesday afternoon, we started our time in the park with P's favorite ride when we went last November - the VeggieTales rollercoaster.
C had to wait in the stroller, because he's still a little too short to ride. As soon as we were finished riding, we headed to the Country Fair section of the park for some rides that both boys could enjoy.
P and C loved "driving" cars on the electric track. We visited those more than once!
P was more than happy to pose for a photo with a car outside the ride. In fact, he requested this picture.
Our second day in the park (and first full day in Pigeon Forge) we started the day as soon as the park opened. The boys gave hugs and high fives to the "pay extra to cut in line" mascot for Dollywood.
P wanted to give Daredevil Falls a try. He was just barely tall enough to ride, and this is his new favorite ride at Dollywood!
The boys played in some water areas, rode some rides, and each won a stuffed octopus at the "water pistol game". By lunchtime, C was worn out!
Some good friends of ours met us at Dollywood. They have had season passes for multiple years, so they gave us some park tips. The kids scarfed down lunch and then fed the ducks while the adults ate at a slightly more leisurely pace.
Wednesday was a full day in the park, and Thursday we were back in the splash pad. This was C's favorite spot in the park.
Thursday afternoon we went swimming at our condo and had "Cow Chikin" for dinner. Friday we packed up, checked out, and went back to Dollywood for a few hours before heading home. All four of us had a blast!
P has grown so much this year - not just in the physical ways you can see in these photos, but emotionally and academically as well. I am so proud of him!