Tuesday, September 20, 2011

a day of firsts

If you follow along regularly, you may have noticed my short absence from this blog. Just recently, school started for P, C, and for me! P actually started right after we got back from my sister's wedding, but September 7th was the big day for my class (and since C is in my class, it was his first day as well!).

Daddy A was such a good sport - I printed "First Day of Pre-K" signs and asked him to try to get some photos of the boys holding them for their scrapbooks. I was impressed with the results, because it is not easy to get these two boys to stand still at the same time for a picture.

He was able to get some shots in front of our house

and some in front of the boys' school.

Daddy A even got the bell tower in the background of some of the pictures. We have a picture of Daddy A by the church bell from his first day of preschool, and now the boys will have a similar picture from their school.

C was very excited to start school... until I left Wednesday morning. Daddy A said when it was time to leave, C was still a bit apprehensive. P did a great job reassuring his little brother, and in no time C was smiling again.

The smile stayed on his face all morning!

Of course, it probably didn't hurt that I put out the train tracks for our welcome activity the first day. :) Hey, my class is almost all boys... I figured trains would be a hit!

After P and Daddy A helped C settle in, they headed downstairs to P's class. P posed for a shot by his classroom door. The peach colored boy cutout with a red speech bubble by P's left elbow is his self portrait. His artwork is "saying" that P "likes the cars" at preschool this year.

Daddy A stepped into P's room for a few minutes and P showed off his puzzle skills.

All three of us are settled into our school routine, and we're having a great time and learning lots of new things!

1 comment:

  1. So great! Hope you are enjoying being back in the classroom!
