Friday, July 6, 2012

Off to the beach!

During our (loooooooooong) drive to the beach, we made a stop at McLeod's Farm.  It was nice to get out and stretch our legs a bit, and we picked up some delicious fresh fruit for our vacation.

P also showed off his tractor driving skills.

C, P, and I took advantage of a well-placed photo op.

When we arrived at the beach, we unloaded, ate a quick dinner, and headed to the pool!

C didn't want to spend much time in the water the first night, mainly because he was so excited about wearing his merman tail towel.  (He kept saying, "Mommy, I need to get in the water.  This is my tail, so it has to get wet!")  We purchased his towel from Kiki through her Etsy shop, and he loves loves loves it.  The towel is soft and thick, and very durable.  I wish I had a better picture of him in it, but he hardly ever sits still!  Even though he walked all over the pool and beachy areas in it, it still looks great.  (It has a loop on the end of the tail and a hook at the top of the tail so the tail can stay clean and dry, but C would have none of that.  He was adamant that the tail drag along behind him "like a real tail", but despite handling the rough nature of a three and a half year old boy, the tail has held up wonderfully.)  Kiki was so easy to work with, too!  I'm guessing this is the first "merboy" she's made a tail for, but she adapted her design and had my order ready quickly.  (She didn't ask me to say any of this, people, I'm just that pleased with her product.  So if you're in the market for something like this, I'd recommend you check out her shop.)

P was ready to head straight into the water.  I was glad to see how much he remembered from last summer's swimming lessons.  He didn't hold still for long, either, but Amanda did manage to get a picture of him in the lazy river with Daddy A.

Our visit to the pool helped the boys fall asleep quickly, but it had them super excited about our week at the beach!

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