Saturday, June 15, 2013

Chase's 4th birthday party

For his fourth birthday party, C chose a Disney theme.  {Like father, like son.  :) }  I was expecting a princess request, but he ended up asking for a Peter Pan party with a "Tinker" {Tinkerbell} cake.  He really, really, really wanted to have his party at Pizza Hut.  {Also like father, like son.  :) }  We invited his whole class, but he ended up with a few of his closest friends - it was perfect!

C got this personalized shirt from us for his birthday, and he got his Peter Pan hat when we were in Disney World the week before his birthday.  I'm five months late posting these pictures, and already when I look at C and compare him to these pictures I can't believe how much he has grown!

We decorated our section of the restaurant, and C posed with Peter while we waited for his friends to arrive.

C is getting ready to blow out the candles on his Tinker cake.  His sweet friend Lily is beside him.  She is going to kindergarten in the fall, and he is going to miss seeing her at school every day!  She and her family are such nice people.

This is C's hilarious friend Garrett.  C and Garrett were both in my class the 2011 - 2012 school year.  C and I were both glad to see Garrett in his class on the first day of school this year.

This cute fairy is C's friend "Fancy Carol".  {He refuses to call her Nancy Carol; C claims she likes Fancy Carol best.}  Her mom was apologetic about the Tinkerbell costume, but C was thrilled with Fancy Carol's apparel!

P was dressed to match the party theme {per my request, of course}.  C wanted a picture of P beside Peter, and P is usually happy to oblige C's requests.  He is such a great big brother!

We managed to snag a photo of all the partygoers before we disbanded.  C's friends Piper and Brianna were also at the party and helped to add some joy to our celebration.

We are so happy to have such great friends, and we're glad they could celebrate C's special day with us!

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