Tuesday, March 16, 2010

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

Yes, I know that Saint Patrick's Day is actually, ahem, tomorrow, but we did some celebrating today. P goes to school on Tuesday and Thursday, and he had been wanting to "make somefin for my frins" for a bit now, so I decided to use the holiday as his opportunity to do that. He loves to play with play dough, so I got some green Sculpey clay to use to make shamrocks.

Flatten the dough, press the cookie cutter, break off the excess clay, and give it to Mommy to bake in the oven "cook," and...

VOILA! A shamrock necklace for P's "frins."

(Note that P's class is ALL boys. Yes, ALL. Miss Tammy handles this with grace. Every. Single. Day. I'm doing well to handle my two. But I digress.) The important points here are
1. We love Miss Tammy and
2. A bunch of preschool aged boys (and Miss Tammy) are now sporting shamrock necklaces.

Meanwhile, C spent most of the morning... WALKING! Yup, our "I could walk, but I'll just crawl since I'm already good at that" second born has taken to walking as his preferred mode of transportation... for the moment, anyway.

The boys rounded out the afternoon swinging,



and sanding playing in the sand, (sorry, I was on a roll with the s alliteration).

Happy Saint Patrick's Day!

1 comment:

  1. Love the shamrock necklaces! Check out my post this afternoon - it's just for you :)
