Monday, April 26, 2010
C update
Nowadays, C...
...will give you a kiss if you ask for one. He won't take his "pap pap" out to do it, though, so he turns his mouth to your lips or cheek and presses his pacifier on your face while making a kissing sound.
...has an expanding vocabulary. My new favorite is the phrase, "I love you" ("I la la").
...loves to talk on the phone! He walks all over the house with the toy phone from P's play kitchen saying, "Hi!" and babbling.
...has added to his party trick by grabbing available dinosaurs and using them to "attack" others in his vicinity as he roars. sporting short hair after a second haircut.
...chews on anything hard and is loving popsicles. probably cutting his one year molars (see above).
Watching my boys grow and change is one of the greatest joys and blessings of being their mommy!
Black Tap Shoes (and Ballet Slippers)
But, probably also because he's three, P started asking for "special dance shoes" as soon as he started his "special dance class." So today, we bit the bullet. C, P, and I headed to the dancewear retail store. P is now the proud owner of some black (wide) ballet slippers and some lace up (boys') tap shoes. Oh, and some thin black "special dance" socks. The dancewear store is now the proud owner of some of our money. P has the shoes he needs for his summer dance "Prince and Princess" camp, and these shoes fit him more comfortably than his borrowed ones.
Before we left "the big city" to head home, we stopped at The Little Gym so P could show Mrs. Sara his new shoes. He just knew, "Mrs. Sara will like to see these." She was properly excited. His frog backpack is packed with his "special dance shoes and socks". Any guesses what P is taking to school for show and tell tomorrow?
P fought the sandbox...
Last Thursday, when I went to pick P up from school, I found Ms. Tammy completing an "Ouch Report." That's right. P's injury was serious enough to require documentation. P greeted me and our conversation went something like this:
P: Mommy, I tripped over the corner and I have a boo boo 'cause I hit my eye on the corner. I tripped. I fell down.
Me: Oh, I'm sorry that happened. Are you okay now?
P: Yes and I fell and Ms. Tammy's writin' it down. What that paper say?
Me: It says, "P tripped over the corner of the sandbox and fell. He hit his eye on the plastic dump truck." Is that what happened?
P: Yup. I tripped, an' it made me fall down. On the corner. And I have a boo boo. 'Cause I tripped. Outside. Oh, outside. I want to go outside and play.
Ms. Tammy felt bad for P. She said he fell hard, and he let her clean off his cut but did not want Neosporin. She reiterated that he wasn't doing anything wrong - he just tripped. She was so compassionate and sweet! (Have I mentioned that we love Ms. Tammy? We really, really do.)
P had definitely recovered when I came to pick him up. We had several repetitions of the above conversation throughout Thursday afternoon. At one point, he asked to go to the bathroom by himself. After he had been in there for about ten minutes, I knocked on the door and asked him if I could come in and see how he was doing and if he needed help. He replied in the affirmative, and I walked in to see him examining his cheek in the mirror. When I asked what he was doing, he responded, "Oh, I don't need to go potty, I just wanted to go in the potty so I could see my boo boo." I think he's kind of proud of his playground battle scar, if you want to know the truth. He even asked me to take a picture of his boo boo.

After I took a few pictures, he amused himself by flipping through the files and examining his cheek and eye. The swelling is completely gone now, and there's just a small scrape on his right cheek. I'd say he's well on the road to recovery.
Wednesday, April 21, 2010
Phifer's third birthday
I made the boys outfits out of Thomas the Tank Engine fabric. I plan for them to wear these outfits to Tweetsie Railroad this summer when we go to visit the little blue engine, but in the meantime the birthday party was a great place to debut their "train close".
P had a great time riding the train, once with Mommy and once with Miss Elllen (the birthday boy's mommy). C didn't seem too eager to ride the (small, fast moving) train, so he sat that one out.
The carrousel was not
After our riding, we headed to the playground. P had a great time climbing, swinging, and sliding.

At long last, it was time for cake. Let me assure you, the cake was C's favorite part of the party. By a landslide.

Before we knew it, it was time for the one hour drive back home. I had to follow some of the other party guests back to the main road, as my directional sense is somewhat almost completely lacking. Finding my way around new places is a bit of an area for growth for me. With a guide, getting home was easy peasy lemon squeezy.
I fixed the boys dinner, bathed them, and they settled into bed for sweet dreams of trains and cake.
Happy birthday, Phifer!
Tuesday, April 20, 2010
in which I confess to a love of Target and underoos
Target is undoubtedly one of my favorite places to shop. They lure you in with that "dollar spot" right by the entrance, and by the time you're done there, you're settled and comfortable. Ready to
I guess I love it so much because all the cool kids shop there. See?

And underoos? I don't see how an explanation can be required... they're just awesome. One of my best friends when I was little had some, and I wanted a pair, too! Alas, they were hard to find for females. (I think there were Wonder Woman underoos, but I didn't find that out until I was in college, at which point it was decidely, ahem, too late.)
Underoos are back with a vengenance, my friends, because marketing folks have realized there is quite the market for them... a lot of people who loved underoos as kids are now parents. And just as the marketing folks hoped, I was jonesing for a chance to
While I perused the underoos aisle at Wal-Mart, I realized that I might be a bit premature in my purchase... P isn't into the whole superhero thing yet. I saw a pair of Lightning McQueen underoos and was about to get those (even though they don't really fit the underoos mold, whether they're labeled as underoos or not) when Daddy A spotted something wonderful. "If I were you," he interjected, "I'd get those Buzz Lightyear underoos right behind you." And with the giddiness of a child on Christmas morning I
Apparently a love of underoos is genetic, because P is now the extremely proud owner of some "Buzz close".
And apparently now that he and Woody are friends, Buzz's preferred footwear is a pair of cowboy boots.
Yup, I have definitely passed on my love of underoos. P wears his "Buzz close" a lot. And I wash them a lot. I guess this falls under the category of "be careful what you wish for..."
Monday, April 19, 2010
Happy Easter!
P was happily engaged in playing with his new toys, as well as his little brother's. See that present C is unwrapping in the above photo? It makes another appearance in the photo below. Yes, that orange truck P is playing with is in fact the wrapped toy that was in C's Easter basket.
C was really good natured about the whole thing. He's laid back and chill like that. (He really is.) But, he also had a new pacifier that was taking up most of his attention.
It's going to be a sad day around here when it's time to wean C off of his "pap pap." It's a challenge I'm not really looking forward to embracing. But I digress. This is a post about our celebrations of the commercial side of Easter. (We embraced the spiritual side, too, of course. Remember this post?)
We had a wonderful day, and I hope you all had a happy Easter, too!
Friday, April 9, 2010
Short Pump Town Center

Thursday, April 8, 2010
Carl's Ice Cream
A landmark of Fredericksburg, I remember trips to Carl's when I was a child. Poppa Fred and I used to put the tailgate of his truck down and eat our ice cream in the parking lot.
C's Rollercoaster Ride
Tiger the lion and bears, oh my!
Anyway, because we are nice like that (as I mentioned above), and because it was hot, and because we were on vacation, and because we don't visit the National Zoo every day, and because we wanted P (and everyone else in our party, and at the National Zoo, for that matter) to enjoy the zoo and the animals and such, Daddy A did purchase said overpriced Sprite. P perked up considerably.
The zoo is in the process of renovating, and they're adding a "make your own animal" store. Right now, it's a "make your own animal" tent. We visited the tent. C made a giraffe, and P chose a lion. You can see the "play by play" below.

P was very clever with his lion's name. I discovered his name in this conversation.
Me: I like your animal. What animal did you choose?
P: This is a lion. I like him.
Me: Oh! What's your lion's name?
P: His name Tiger.
Tiger the lion is up in bed sleeping with Parker even as
As the day wore on, I noticed that P began to get a bit droopy.
Fortunately, the zoo had on some water sprinklers throughout the park. A dance in the cool mist brightened his spirits considerably.

Hot, Hot, Hot!
fun with Elmo and friends
We saw lots of characters,
rode some rides, but not as many as last year, (I'm pretty sure this was not because P was tall enough for the Grover roller coaster this year and
someone I scared the pants off of him with the first ride of the day.) and...
...played in the water. P (literally) jumped right in, and C warmed up (or should I say cooled down) to the idea pretty quickly as well. I suspect it was P's favorite part of the day.
After a delicious lunch and lots of splashing around, P was more comfortable with the rides. Bebe even rode his first ride, with his big brother by his side!
Saturday, April 3, 2010
The Great Vigil of Easter
I had mixed feelings about the situation. While I was thrilled that P already recognizes on some level that baptism is very special, and while I am excited that he wants to attend church, I had my misgivings.
- The service began at 8:00pm. Typically, P goes to bed at 8:00pm.
- P attended a birthday party this afternoon. He was outside running around in 80 degree weather for almost three hours, and he ate approximately twice his body weight in candy (an estimation based upon what I actually saw enter his mouth and what I can guess also entered his mouth - and what didn't - based upon the state of his clothing following the party).
- The service is longer than an average Sunday service for our church. P typically stays in church through the children's sermon and then leaves to play in the nursery.
Both of the boys did really well tonight, even without extenuating services. (That said, please review extenuating circumstances above as needed for a refresher. While reviewing, please note that C attended the same party and that he typically goes to bed around 7:30pm.) Given the extenuating circumstances, I would most assuredly label their behavior tonight as rock star level.
C went to bed in one of the cribs in the nursery. It took him abut ten minutes to settle down, and he slept from 7:40pm or so until I picked him up at 9:28pm. Upon his arrival home, he went straight back to bed and is sleeping as we speak.
P went to church. During the first reading, he did ask to leave. We went all the way to the nursery. I dropped him off, agreeing to come back and get him before the baptisms so he could watch. At the last minute, he said, "No! I might miss it. I need to come back now!" He not only stayed for the baptisms, he then asked to remain in church until the conclusion of the service. I think he did well.
I want to reiterate that, while he wasn't by any means a silent participant in the service, P did just turn three, and I offer the following humorous - and true - accounts of our time in church as just that. They will be funny memories of this Easter season, but they do not diminish the great job an exhausted three year old boy did in worship.
Here is a sampling of some of the things I said duiring worship tonight:
"No, P! Do not even tease Mommy by pretending you are going to burn the pew with your candle. It is not okay to light parts of the church on fire."
"Oh, you want a snack. That's good, because it's almost time for a snack of bread. Watch Daddy; he's getting ready to pour some juice. Watch closely, and be very quiet."
"Yes, sweet boy, I realize that Easter is a happy time and that 'Happy Birthday' is a song that makes you happy. I still think it would be best if you did not sing it - especially very loudly - right now, because Daddy and Pastor Michael are leading communion. Other people are trying to hear them."
"The water is still in the bowl up there, yes! And I know you really want to look at it. When the service is over in just a minute, we will walk up there and look in the bowl." (Yup, we did go up there, the water was still there, and he really did just want to look at it.)
Upon our arrival home from church, I helped P change into his pajamas, and offered him the choice of either one bedtime story or going straight to bed. He initially tried to decline both choices, asking for candy instead. When I explained that we would not be eating candy at 10:00 at night, but that the Easter Bunny might bring him some candy tomorrow, he sighed. "Straight to bed, then," he said. He went right off to sleep, and is probably dreaming now of "chocit rabbits." Happy Easter!