Thursday, April 8, 2010

Tiger the lion and bears, oh my!

We hit the National Zoo in DC on Wednesday. We had lots of fun watching animals. C's favorite animals were the elephants. He smiled, waved at them, and tried to scale the fence while Aunt Tiffany held him up to see them.

You'll notice in the photo on the far right above that P has a Sprite. Daddy A bought him that from a vending machine for $3.00 because he's nice like that. Not, ahem, because P wanted a Sprite, and he was crying for a Sprite, and he couldn't seem to pull himself together. We certainly aren't pushovers...
Anyway, because we are nice like that (as I mentioned above), and because it was hot, and because we were on vacation, and because we don't visit the National Zoo every day, and because we wanted P (and everyone else in our party, and at the National Zoo, for that matter) to enjoy the zoo and the animals and such, Daddy A did purchase said overpriced Sprite. P perked up considerably.

The zoo is in the process of renovating, and they're adding a "make your own animal" store. Right now, it's a "make your own animal" tent. We visited the tent. C made a giraffe, and P chose a lion. You can see the "play by play" below.
P was very clever with his lion's name. I discovered his name in this conversation.

Me: I like your animal. What animal did you choose?

P: This is a lion. I like him.

Me: Oh! What's your lion's name?

P: His name Tiger.

Tiger the lion is up in bed sleeping with Parker even as we speak I write.

As the day wore on, I noticed that P began to get a bit droopy.
Fortunately, the zoo had on some water sprinklers throughout the park. A dance in the cool mist brightened his spirits considerably.
We ended the day with a chocolate ice cream cone for P. I didn't take any pictures of his "nack," but let's say this: it was hot, he wasn't wearing a bib, and his shirt is bright yellow... with brown polka dots... I've tried a few stain removal ideas already. Anyone got any ideas for getting rid of chocolate ice cream stains?

1 comment:

  1. Mama E-
    I'd try a squirt of Shaklee's Fresh Laundry detergent right out of the bottle on the shirt. Let it sit for a bit or overnight and then wash with another load of laundry. You could also toss in a scoop of the Nature Bright for good measure, but I'd be willing to bet that the stain comes out with just the detergent. (It's worked on berry stains that have been there for a few days). Good luck!
