Wednesday, April 6, 2011

another birthday visit

The weekend after P's birthday party (and the weekend of Aunt Tiffany's birthday), Grandma Paige and Poppa Fred came for a visit. We had lots of fun with them! When they arrived, P got right to work on celebrating his birthday. He opened presents (this game went with his new "game" - a Leapster - that was one of his favorite presents) right away. Then the boys spent some time playing with Play-doh (with some help from Grandma Paige). When it was time for his birthday dinner, P got to choose the blessing. He was quite certain that we should say "the birfday one an' it's on my plate". Poppa Fred and Grandma Paige brought a Thomas cake with them, and P and C couldn't wait to get a piece! We had lots of fun over the weekend, and before it was time for their grandparents to leave the boys had one more Play-doh session.

All four of us feel very blessed to have wonderful parents/grandparents in our lives!

1 comment:

  1. Looks like so much fun! We haven't braved Play-doh yet! I love the birthday plate!
