Friday, April 29, 2011

Crayola colored bubbles

I don't know how many of you have seen - or maybe even experienced - the new colored bubbles made by Crayola. We had the chance to experience them at our house over Easter weekend, because Grandma Paige brought P a bubble fan that would blow colored bubbles. Now, no one has asked for my opinion, but I'm going to share it here for those who are interested.

First, let me say that the bubbles are, ahem, vivid. When you blow blue bubbles, you will be able to tell as they drift through the air that they are, in fact, blue. They look awesome! The boys were totally enthralled!

When the bubbles pop on your skin or your clothing, there will again be no mistaking that they are colored.

The bubbles are advertised as washable. I must say, the bubbles washed right out of our clothes and towels when I popped everything into the washing machine.

While trying to rub the color off of the boys' skin created a decidedly Avatar-like effect, once the boys hopped in the tub the bubbles washed off without a lot of extra hard scrubbing. I hear you! You're thinking, "Okay, Mama E., what's the big deal? The boys had fun and the bubbles ARE washable." Now, I agree. The color wasn't a deal breaker. One afternoon this summer (probably when the wading pool is out), the boys will put on swimsuits and we'll break out the (as yet unopened) purple bubbles and play with the bubble fan again.

But next time, the boys will be confined to the yard. No bubbles will be opened on our back deck.

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