Monday, August 8, 2011

On the (Rail)Road Again

Saturday before last we headed to Tweetsie for some summer fun.

It's usually a little cooler on the mountain than it is down here in Mo-Town, so I dressed the boys in matching hoodies. (You did remember I like to match their clothes, didn't you?) It turned out to actually be a day for record-breaking hot weather, but P wore his hood almost all day long. He explained, "This hood makes me cool, Mommy." (I don't know how that worked out, unless he was referring to his appearance, because that hood did look pretty fly...)

And, in typical younger brother fashion, monkey see, monkey do.

The Frisbee dogs were visiting Tweetsie, so after a quick train ride through the wilderness we headed to their show. I'm always amazed at the talented dogs and trainers, and I think it's great that most of the dogs are adopted from animal shelters.

Following the show, we took in some of the rides in the Country Fair section of the park.

We stopped in the Palace Saloon next for some refreshment, and of course took in the "dancin' girls" show. Poor C got so tuckered out that he fell asleep mid-bite!

C didn't even wake up for a photo op! P was excited to learn that Miss Samantha will be back at his dance studio this year, although she may not be teaching his class this time.

Our friend Anna was with us and the Deer Park was her request for the day. We were happy to oblige.

Once again there were some renegade baby goats! Those baby goats are just adorable. They get me every time. Well, they don't actually get me, they just walk around in the feeding area and eat your food and let you pet them and... you know what I mean.

After a fun-filled day, we were ready to head back home for a relaxing evening.

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