Sunday, January 1, 2012

a visit to Oak Hill

We were able to make it to West Virginia for a very short - one night - visit in early December.  We fit in some visits around the kitchen table, and P had a chance to watch "Frosty the Snowman" on Friday evening.  I can remember laying on the floor and watching television with my cousins at Grandmere's house when we were little, and I thought about that while he watched the movie.

P has always liked the stories about trains in Grandmere's book cabinet, and this visit he asked her to read to him several times.  The book he selected was a collection of short stories about trains, and he stood or sat with her and listened eagerly to the book, even though it was geared toward older readers and had very few pictures.  I enjoyed listening to Grandmere read to him.

We had to leave after lunch on Saturday afternoon, but we were able to see Aunt Becky before we left.  I was so glad she came out to Grandmere's and we had a chance to visit!  The boys were overtired from playing in the last bit of snow in the yard from a previous snowfall, so they weren't the best company - and they were asleep not long after we hit the road.  I am hopeful that the weather won't keep us away until spring this year.

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