Monday, July 5, 2010

more about the baby goat

Daddy A took last Thursday off, and the four of us went to Tweetsie. (Yes, again. What can I say? We love the place!)

Once again, we watched the "dancin' girls," rode the "big train" and the mouse train, rode some rides, and did other Tweetsiesque things. Once again, we went to the Deer Park. And, once again, I wasn't prepared with my camera. Remember this post? I had a similar conversation with myself before we left on Thursday's trip, but this time I said, "Mama E, that roaming baby goat was a fluke. It won't happen again." Um, yeah. Not a fluke. I don't know what I was thinking. It makes sense that if a baby goat likes people and likes freedom and can get out of a fenced in area, she would. Which she did, again. And once again, I provide you, dearest family and friends, with some cell phone pictures (taken mostly by Daddy A this time), of the baby goat. This time, C slept through the Deer Park, and our friend Anna was with us. To aid in your enjoyment of the photos, I will provide P's running commentary about the baby goat.

"The bebe goat is back! She's a girl. She's nice. She licks." (Licks, as opposed to bites, in case you wanted clarification,)

"I feedin' her. She's eatin' her food."

"Come here, goat! Come on!" This was then followed alternately by, "She's followin' me!" (cried joyfully), and "She's not comin'!" (cried in despair). For the most part, though, the baby goat did follow P all over the Deer Park area. I thought it was precious, but I may be just the tiniest bit biased.
"She's likin' me!" (Yes, I wrote "liking," not "licking.")

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