Monday, July 19, 2010

Portrait Innovations rocks!

While we were in Fredericksburg, Poppa Fred, Grandma Paige, and I took the boys to Portrait Innovations to have their pictures taken. I was hoping they'd turn out well, especially because we took the boys to a different picture place in March for pictures and I wasn't thrilled with the results. I realize there may have been other factors in our better experience this time - the boys are a bit older (but a few months can make a difference when you're young), and maybe they were in better moods. However, that said, the photographer was awesome and very quick with her camera. I also think Portrait Innovations has much better prices than the other place we went. I've been to Portrait Innovations more than once and always been pleased with my pictures. I don't want to be mean and bash on my blog, so I'm not going to name the place we went in March here, but I will reiterate that I think Portrait Innovatioins rocks! (And no, they didn't pay me to say that. I don't think they even know that I did say that, because I don't think they know my blog exists.) And now I'll close my review with some of their pictures from last Friday.

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