Sunday, August 22, 2010

the BIG 30

I mentioned in this post that Daddy A arranged for some visitors to help me celebrate my 30th birthday. What I didn't mention (or know at the time) was that Daddy A had some other plans, too.

The five of us headed to my favorite Mexican restaurant for dinner. While I was engaged in conversation with Amanda, Daddy A let the wait staff know it was my birthday, which involved a very large hat and a delicious fried ice cream.

Then we headed to the brewery for a "special concert or something." Yup, you guessed it! The "special event" was a surprise party for me! Pastor Michael came back from Scotland just for the party. Or, you know, was maybe back in town but lying low til the end of his sabbatical. Something like that. Either way, he was there, sporting his new beard.

I was totally surprised, and I hope everyone had as much fun as I did!
I guess this is better than a birthday spanking...
Thank you so much, my wonderful husband, for my birthday surprise!


  1. Happy Birthday! You look beautiful in that dress!

  2. Thanks! I embarked on my own "lose that baby weight" quest a few months ago!
