Wednesday, June 23, 2010

Greyson's birthday post

Almost two weeks ago, while P and I were taking Grandma Paige to meet Poppa Fred, C and Daddy A went to Greyson's first birthday party together. I think they had a great time having some "Daddy and C time", and C enjoyed the party.

It was pretty warm that day (Can you see how sweaty C's head is in the first photo? That's minutes into the party.), but C didn't seem to mind.

He loved the doggies.

He spent lots of time chilling out at the wading pool. He saw some other friends from church. Daddy A took this picture of him with Emme. (From what I hear, he was happier than he looks in this picture.)

The party was John Deere themed. The cake was adorable.

And, of course, Daddy A got a shot of the birthday boy and his mommy. (We also got some other pictures and videos, but as you've probably noticed, I've been having some trouble uploading lately, so I don't have plans for any of the videos to make a blog appearance. If you want to see the rest of the shots and/or videos, let me know, and you can see them in person.)

Happy first birthday, Greyson!

1 comment:

  1. Thanks for our appearance on your blog! We feel quite honored!
