Saturday, June 14, 2014

Valentine's dance

The weekend before Valentine's Day, P's school had their annual Valentine's Day Family Dance.  I'm glad that it was a family affair, and I'm sure the eighth graders at P's K - 8 school were equally thrilled.  Parents really up the cool factor at middle school events.

This year, P invited one of his friends to dinner at "the restaurant of your choice".  His friend, H, chose Chick-fil-a.  While P and H sat at the "high" table, the rest of the families sat across the aisle in a "regular" booth.

I saw some students at the dance.

C found himself a variety of dance partners.

P was coerced into taking some pictures with his friends.

There was even a photo booth set up around the corner in the hallway.

Don't get me wrong, we had a great time. I just don't know how we'll top it when it's time for Prom.  Oh, well, thankfully we have years to plan for that.

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