Monday, January 10, 2011

Snow Day!!

Before I begin, sincere thanks to my friend Annie for naming today's post... on her blog. (I hope it's okay that I'm following your lead!)

It started snowing in Morganton around 1:00 this morning, and it is still snowing tonight! I have no idea what sort of accumulation we're talking about, but there is enough snow outside to make my family quite happy. Daddy A didn't go in today (he'll probably walk to work tomorrow), and he headed outside with both boys (and the camera - thanks Babe!) after an early lunch today.

The boys lasted just over an hour outside in their new winter coats from Grandma Hen and a hodge podge of other clothing. Neither P nor C has boots that fit right now, but P was able to squeeze into his old boots, and C wore a pair of P's old tennis shoes (that are now "new" tennis shoes for C). We got both boys' feet measured Friday and I cannot believe how much C's feet have grown in just a few months! But I digress...

The boys had a BLAST outside today! This year they both truly enjoy playing in the snow, and they enjoy it enough to ignore the cold for quite a while.

P was very glad it was snowing while he was outside, because he had been hoping for a chance this winter to "taste some snowflakes on my tongue... la laaaa" ("la laaaa" being "like this", said with his tongue out and head tilted back).

And of course, after P "tasted" the snow, C followed suit.

The boys spent some time playing on the swingset, running through the snow, and "carving" the snow with sticks. Of course, they made some snow angels, too.

P even made a "backwards" snow angel!

C tried to go sledding, sans sled. He didn't seem to mind a lack of equipment - "body sledding" was fine with him!

I was really excited Sunday when P decided he really liked this hat. Last year I had a hard time convincing him to wear a winter hat at all, and when I finally did there was only one toboggan that he allowed to grace his head. Sunday, he decided that this hat was "good" and began wearing it whenever I asked him to get ready to go out, even if it was just to leave the house on a journey somewhere else, such as church, and he wouldn't be staying outside. I bought this knit navy hat, ahem, two years ago. Fortunately I bought it big so it would last a while. (On a side note, I think P and I like this hat a lot more than anyone else we know, but I'm okay with that.) Today he put it on before heading outside.

While he was outside, his hat became a "snow scoop", so by the end of playtime he was wearing his hood instead.

Happy Snow Day! I hope you have a warm and cozy place to relax tonight!

1 comment:

  1. I can't decide which I like the best...the backwards snow angel or that second picture of C grinning from the top. What a great day! Glad you could enjoy it together!
